When you are in a different country you may face various problems. Suppose you are in a country where the English language(or your own language) is not dominant, these apps may prove to be a savior for you.
1) Google translate (offline): – With this app you can download a language and use it anywhere without the need of Internet. I have used it during the trip to Brazil (Sao Paulo), where the English language is not so common and I was relying completely on this app.
It will be helpful in asking basic things from strangers like loo ;), metro or bus routes. But be careful don’t give your phone to strangers whom you doubt can take it away. Since I am a vegetarian and there is no concept of green(Veg) and red(Non-Veg) symbol in Brazil, so at every place this app was a saviour with below snapshot.
Since I am a vegetarian and there is no concept of green(Veg) and red(Non-Veg) symbol in Brazil, so at every place this app was a saviour with below snapshot.

App link is at the end
2) Word Lens:- This app can be used to convert some other languages word. The good thing is you need not type. You can switch on the app, it will start Camera and you can show the words and it will convert it on the fly. It is helpful in knowing some instructions written on some traffic
It is helpful in knowing some instructions written on some traffic boards, sign boards inside a mall etc
Though the above two apps are good enough but sometimes their translation is not that perfect, even in their web versions. “Saint Peter Road” will change the word into English “Saint” though it’s part of a name.

This app is bought by Google and now this fascility is available inside Google translate (just use camera button inside App).
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3) Trip Advisor: – This app is a savior in organizing your trips. It will inform what is best to eat, which places you should visit. It will help in deciding the best time of the day to visit the places and things to be taken care by which you can not only save money but make the best out of your time. It has photos of and experience of the other travellers.
It has photos of and experience of the other travellers. The best part of this app is it gives you an itienary of a whole day mentioning from where to start and which all transport to take along with the siginificant places on the way
This app is equally important in your own country as well.
Google Translate (Word Lens) Android App
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