Have you faced the situation where actual is expected still there is a problem ? The developer says I have implemented the requirement and technically he/she is right.
If the requirement is to create a page where user can search. Google / Bing / DuckDuckGo all have implemented the same.
Watch this small video just 3 minutes to get the full details
If you open 3 of these search engines you will find some differences. So just to bring you at the conclusion that a similar requirement can have various implementation.
So What’s the problem Gaurav ?
So we as tester should not stop our testing by looking at just actual=expected. There is a lot more to it. One important thing that I would discuss here is usability aspect.
I was ordering a medicine from NetMeds, a mobile app by which you can order medicine online. They have some good discounts.
if you don’t have a prescription, they will arrange a call for you from Doctor, who will confirm if the medicine is for the right purpose and suitable for you based on your discussion.
Sequence of Events
29 Jan 2023 – Night I ordered the medicine

29 Jan 2023 – After 3 minutes of my order , they have scheduled the call for next morning 11 am.
30 Jan 2023 – As I was busy and could not pick up the call and realized with true caller its from Net meds Doctor
based on their FAQ section, I need to write to an email id.
Here starts the problem
So we have to think about the user based on the audience we are serving
- Everyone in India may not be comfortable writing an email via phone.
- FAQ sections has a hell lot of questions
- And the main problem.. lets discuss that. As I had to write them the email referring my order id.
What’s the Actual is Expected thing ?
The order id is unique and is of 16 digits/characters.
So the requirement would be. Every order should have unique id.
Developer has implemented and its unique
Actual=expected . Tester has passed the case.
Why the user is not happy ?
The id was not copiable on selection. I had to keep on switching between the Gmail/Net meds to write the id and check if its right.

Conclusion thoughts
- User experience matter, so think from end to end usage perspective, one feature can create problem at other places.
- Think from end to end and from over all system , how the user will interact.
- If they could have created some email templates clicking on which my email id already has the basic text that would have helped
- There should be a way given to chat / call / direct to FAQ based on current order situation.
- Allow the text to be copiable
Implementation matters and the most important person is the end user.
We design the software to give them the best experience and solve their problem. Lets connect https://linktr.ee/gauravkhurana

Hello! My name is Gaurav Khurana. I have 12+ years of experience as a Software Tester. Won the Tester Of the Year Award 2022. Currently working for Microsoft. Worked in 2 MNCs. A youtuber and blogger and worked on *nix and windows based apps for telecom & insurance domain. Used Selenium, Serenity-bdd, RestAssured, AzureDevOps, Karate, SoapUI, Perl, Shell scripting, Postman, TestProject for automation,etc along with excel. Udzial is a polish word which means share. I believe in #SharingIsCaring.