This is my personal interview experience @ Bona Vita Technologies in the month of January 2016. The questions may be helpful for any company or just for increasing your knowledge as well.
Job Title – Test Automation Engineer – Bona Vita Technologies Interview
I was asked to fill up a form asking few basic questions about Candidate.
First obvious Question: – Tell me about yourself?
SQL Questions
- There are 2 tables A and B. Both having 2 columns ID & Name. ID column is auto-incremented. There are 4 rows in each table. We ran delete command on table A and truncate command on table B. Now when we insert a new record what would be the sequence number coming in case of A & B ?
- There are 2 tables A & B which has some common data. Write a query to retrieve data which belongs only to B
- There is a table contains student names and their courses. Write a query to get all students who are enrolled in more than one subject
Clear ISQTB foundation level exam
Java Related Questions
- What does “public static void main(String Args[]) means ?
- What is the difference between abstract class and interface ?
- There is an array of 100 size having number 1 to 100 in an unsorted way and one of the number is missing(e.g. number 90 is missing and all other numbers are present). You have to find out that number.
- There is an array having data like 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 . Write a program to sort these numbers .
Selenium Interview Questions
- How to open through Selenium WebDriver?
- What’s the significance of HTTP in the driver.get(“ ? what if we don’t write this?
- How to get all the links on a webpage ?
- How to know for a drop down there are how many elements present in it ?
Test Cases Interview Question
- There is a parking lot which has 1 entry and 1 exit. Write test cases for testing this parking lot.
- What if we make 2 entries and 2 exits, how does it affect your cases.
- There is a cake. You have to cut it into 8 equal pieces with 3 cuts.
Company looks cool like start-ups having some fancy slogans written all over. Don’t go by Google Maps as the address on Google maps is wrong(as on 20 Jan 2016) . I have updated it on Google Maps but it takes time to update.(Yes you can update locations on Google Maps)
Follow the address given by the HR in email. Its just half a km from Apollo Jasola Metro station. In Copia Towers Near DLF
All the best !!!
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Hello! My name is Gaurav Khurana. I have 12+ years of experience as a Software Tester. Won the Tester Of the Year Award 2022. Currently working for Microsoft. Worked in 2 MNCs. A youtuber and blogger and worked on *nix and windows based apps for telecom & insurance domain. Used Selenium, Serenity-bdd, RestAssured, AzureDevOps, Karate, SoapUI, Perl, Shell scripting, Postman, TestProject for automation,etc along with excel. Udzial is a polish word which means share. I believe in #SharingIsCaring.
Hey, were you got selected? Are you currently working there? I got selected and will be joining shortly, Is there product out in the market? What kind of work are they expecting from QA Automation Engineer?
Hey Thanks Mukul for dropping a comment. I was not selected. As per my knowledge they don’t have a product yet. They are working on some product in travel domain and makemytrip has made a significant investment $5 million in it. As per my discussion in the interview, work would be around java, selenium and unix.
All the best… and once you join do leave a comment here to help others. Regards