Retrospective 2024

Retrospective May 2024

Reading Time: 3 minutes

The fifth retrospective for this year where I tried some new things, gave sessions on AI with some collaboration

Here goes Retrospective May 2024

Retrospective gives you the chance to Pause Think and Act.

You can take corrective actions or take a turn or completely change some paths which are no longer needed

Want to discuss anything feel free to book a session here 

What went well

  • AI Asia Odyssey and Tech Talent Review Day @ Microsoft Office Noida – I saw my colleagues giving a session related to AI / Copilot etc. So I contacted them via teams and got to know about Azure Developer Community. I got in touch with the team and landed up giving a session on AI.
    You have to open the door to get the opportunities as they are waiting sometimes outside the doorThere were 150+ students mostly in second year of engineering who attended and have a new and different experience listening to their questions and concern.
    Shared some implementable ideas using #azrure and #AI which they can implement at college level
Session on AI


YouTube videos

This month I created quite a few videos sharing tips which anyone can use whether you are a tester / developer or just a computer user.

If you are someone who opens so many tabs at a time. This can help you


There is another which is a productivity hack where you can split your browser window and do multi tasing with ease.



Test Automation Reporting – When you write the code to automate, people are most interested in the final report to see the result. Allure reports are the simplest to integrate in any existing framework. if you have 15 minutes definitely give it a try

To integrate this Allure report in Azure Dev Ops is another simple thing

A practical demonstration of using Azure AI, how you can use without writing a single line of code. Also shared how you can use via API as well.

Want to discuss anything feel free to book a session here 

Meet up

  • Meetup @ Lambda test Office – Presented a session after 3-4 years physically to such a large audience. Post covid in hybrid culture hardly got a chance to present. So there were total 4 sessions and I was worried if I could cover in 30 minutes what I had planned for. Session went well and got a positive feedback. Check my notes below

  • Top mate – Total 3 bookings in this month where people approach to discuss get guidance on testing / automation / mid level career crisis and other topics. Feel free to book a session for a detailed discussion @ Topmate

What did not go well?

  • On this blog for last 5 months only retrospective post I could post (this is continuing sadly for many months)
  • Could not take much interviews this month in the office.

What’s Ahead

  • Few more video to go in AI Series before it come to conclusion for AI900 –
  • Create notes on GitHub Pages for testing and automation which I created the base page.
  • Create some shorts and planning a series on something I am working on
  • Make this blog more structured

Hope you have learned something from it. Any suggestions for me, feel free to ping on LinkedIn.

Are you doing the retro if not public at least in private, if not start it now. How was yours retrospective may 2024

I have some content that can help you –

I thank you a lot if you have reached till here, do subscribe to the email list above and my YouTube channel


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