The sixth retrospective for this year where I tried a new thing of organizing a team event and completed 14 years in the industry as a tester
Here goes Retrospective May 2024
Retrospective gives you the chance to Pause Think and Act.
You can take corrective actions or take a turn or completely change some paths which are no longer needed
Want to discuss anything feel free to book a session here
What went well
Year End Party Organizer
- I was nominated to be the part of the team for organizing the year End Party. So it was financial year end for us.
- I have participated in the events but not as an organizer ever.
- Learned how organizing is interesting and difficult stuff at corporate level where you have to take care things are perfect. Be it stage / lighting / employee experience / food / transport / facilities given to employee. All need to be topnotch. I lead it from the Noida location and things went well. Some glimpses below
- There should not be many decision makers.
- Take suggestions and make decision, as in volunteering activities things will lag otherwise
- Have minute to minute details for the day of the event
- Expect the unexpected. Our bus broke down on the way to venue, we had the back up though
YouTube video
This month I created only 1 video sharing tips which anyone can use whether you are a tester / developer or just a computer user.
whether you use windows / mac / android / iPhone, this app is everywhere and is very useful
Want to discuss anything feel free to book a session here
- Book Reading – I try to read few pages of a book every day. This month I am reading Icons of Grace: Twenty-one Lives that Defined Indian Spirituality Its a good book about how spirituality is real with practical examples of saints from past centuries be it Meera , Tukaram and many others. Energize your mind is also a good book I read last few month
Meet up
- Meetup @ The Test Tribe – I have attended many events in the past organized by TTT virtually, be it #testflix where I gave one talk. Got to meet many fellow testers some were as experienced as 22 years and some freshers. The topic was RAG – Retrieval–Augmented Generation. How you can use AI to give output using your own data. Rahul Yadav shared in detail showing code how can we do that
14 years completed in IT as a tester
- Good to see AI getting integrated in products used by Testers
- Top mate – Total 4 bookings in this month where people approach to discuss get guidance on testing / automation / mid level career crisis and other topics. Feel free to book a session for a detailed discussion @ Topmate I have started a package service as well which gives you discount
- Meme – I was able to post a meme on LinkedIn. Do follow the Instagram page to not miss the fun
What did not go well?
- On this blog for last 6 months only retrospective post I could post (this is continuing sadly for many months)
- Git hub checks in have reduced, have to work on it.
- Some content planned which could not execute
What’s Ahead in this month
- Create some shorts and planning a series on something I am working on
- Make this blog more structured
Hope you have learned something from it. Any suggestions for me, feel free to ping on LinkedIn.
Are you doing the retro if not public at least in private, if not start it now. How was yours retrospective June 2024
I have some content that can help you –
I thank you a lot if you have reached till here, do subscribe to the email list above and my YouTube channel

Hello! My name is Gaurav Khurana. I have 12+ years of experience as a Software Tester. Won the Tester Of the Year Award 2022. Currently working for Microsoft. Worked in 2 MNCs. A youtuber and blogger and worked on *nix and windows based apps for telecom & insurance domain. Used Selenium, Serenity-bdd, RestAssured, AzureDevOps, Karate, SoapUI, Perl, Shell scripting, Postman, TestProject for automation,etc along with excel. Udzial is a polish word which means share. I believe in #SharingIsCaring.