The third retrospective for this year. A little late on 4th April but its ok. Here is mine retrospective for March 2024
Retrospective gives you the chance to pause think and then act.
You can take corrective actions or take a turn or completely change some paths which are no longer needed
What went well
- Medium Article – After a long time written an article which can save a lot of time for you if you do automation, you can connect your script to already opened browser and save time on login and navigating to it again and again while debugging
- Bug Reporting – You dont need to be an employee working at Micorsoft / Google / Amazon to report bugs. Generally there is a report /feedback button where you can share the scenario. I do that for most of the software / apps I use. So this month i reported few bugs as well
Asking for help at the right place – I asked a question in official slack channel of Playwright. It took some days but i got an answer which was no where and it helped in fixing a problem we were facing in our framework. So do join such channels and help people and take help.
- Round Table Discussion – I along with Sachin Sharma was invited by Shruti. This was a first time for me. I got feedback from some of the colleagues and they like it. The whole conversation around AI / Testing / Automation and some basics and its all in Hindi . Here is the full playlist of my talks. The last 2 videos in tha playlist were published this month
- Tutorial Image was broken – I was doing a tutorial as part of my series and I noticed an image is broken, i reportde that on Github and great to see its fixed. You dont need to be a prefect coder to do such stuff
- You tube videos – How AI can help in you bug Analysis and avoid some costlier mistakes
- LinkedIn Post – Total = 10 Have you noticed Amazon reviews are using AI This post about how testers can introduce them better got a lot of attention. I will share my answer soon on this one on what all things can be included in your introduction as a tester . Feel free to comment on the LinkedIn Post.
- Stack overflow – It’s important to contribute back not only just consume information from internet. This time I contributed to 9 answers all related to Playwright. Checkout this if you don’t answer on Stack overflow –
Created a shorts to explain a small concept. My first attempt in this type of recording
- Topmate – Total 4 bookings in this month where people discussed about their concerns related to career / testing / automation and I tried to guide them based on my experience.Any guidance you need feel free to book a session for a detailed discussion @ Topmate
- Meme Every Friday – On all 4 fridays of the month , i was able to post a meme on LinkedIn. Do follow the Instagram page to not miss the fun
What did not go well?
- Some test data got increased over time and earlier it was showing results. Now since it became more than X, so application giving error cannot search more than X results. So modified some scripts which got failed due to this. Next time using test data I have to be careful
- Less number of videos then planned but better than last month
- Team size got increased to double. So need to manage self and their assignment in a better way to not disturb the velocity of the sprint
- Started using GitHub pages but yet to make it the way i want to use it.
What’s Ahead
- Few more video to go in AI Series before it come to conclusion for AI900 –
- Create notes on GitHub Pages for testing and automation which i created the base page.
- Try more AI stuff and share with everyone
Hope you have learned something from it. Any suggestions for me, feel free to ping on LinkedIn.
Are you doing the retro if not public at least in private, if not start it now. Here are some of the content i created that can help you –
I thank you a lot if you have reached till here, do subscribe to the email list above and my YouTube channel

Hello! My name is Gaurav Khurana. I have 12+ years of experience as a Software Tester. Won the Tester Of the Year Award 2022. Currently working for Microsoft. Worked in 2 MNCs. A youtuber and blogger and worked on *nix and windows based apps for telecom & insurance domain. Used Selenium, Serenity-bdd, RestAssured, AzureDevOps, Karate, SoapUI, Perl, Shell scripting, Postman, TestProject for automation,etc along with excel. Udzial is a polish word which means share. I believe in #SharingIsCaring.