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Everyone wants to utilise maximum of their skills to get a earning and that too in minimum time. Here we will discuss a simple way of earning online by testing some products/websites and yes did I mentioned that you need to spend less hours without need to learn any tools,etc.
Bank Statement – Money earned online , Testing |
Anyone who is an Internet user can earn by doing this task, it does not required any special skills because you will be testing the product as end user as you browse daily,but with an eye to find problems. I will share some bugs/defects/problems at the end and you can judge how easy it is.
Who will pay you ?
There is a site which conducts Testing contests and you can participate in those contests and earn money. I am not disclosing the site name otherwise you will open link without reading the full story
Testing Rewards amount , may vary from contest to contest |
Why they will pay you?
Because you found the bugs in the products before they are released to the end user and saved a lot of money, time for their client.
What kind of products/websites it will be ?
It could be flipkart,cleartrip or a mobile app like olx or a software which could be music player, but most of the times it would be related to internet.
How sites get money , basically their business model ?
Person ‘X’ comes to this site they say , I want my product ‘Y’ to be tested and pay to the site. Person X wants that public should should try his/her product on different devices as one person might have Chrome, other might be using safari browser or a windows vista, XP etc. so basically its
crowd source testing.
Details as show on site for My profile |
When and where you will get the amount ?
In you bank account by sharing your accountnbrIFSC code etc orpaypal account in your profile.(its safedont worry), no one will be able to see except you. Amount will come after some time not instantly, but it will come definitely as per my experience for last one year.Related :- Screen Capture Software
How site works ?
99tests sends mail to all testers registered on the site to test the software of the client. Testers will start logging bugs on the site. There will be limit on number of bugs and time to test.
For Example
Test site and there will be a requirement document which will clarify what to test and what not to.
But I am not a good tester ?
You can participate as a Validator, where you will be commenting on people’ bugs whether they are correct or not and you will get paid for it.
Today one result came for one of the recent competition where i participated and filed 23 bugs. Our team came 7th and i filed maximum bugs 23 out of 30. So got a amount of 730 out of 1000 which was for 7th Position.
 | Testing Reward |
Get only in Rs 99/-
What if their are no contest running ?
There is always a contest running known as “open bugs” where you can file a problem in any of the site on internet. People will file bug on spicejet, newschannel site etc.
Advantage as a tester ?
- You will have a profile where you will earn reputation point by filing bugs
- You can use the profile link in your resume
- You can see bugs filed by others and will learn a lot.
- You can use your skills and file some high priority bugs
Gaurav Khurana’s profile on 99tests |
Get 50 Rs talktime instantly Free (only till 7th April 2014)
Example Bugs – Could be functional/Technical or GUI
1) Mobile Phone nbr field is allowing Characters[simple]
2) Image is missing for a product on e-commerce sites[Medium]
3) Text is overlapping on firefox browser for the site[simple]
4) Date of birth allows future dates by showing years as 2015,16 etc[Medium]
5) Site Crashing on using multiple filters[showstopper]
I think everyone of us can find such defects, for more details
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