Reading Time: 4 minutes


Every one of  us uses #Google but the question is do we use it effectively. Some of us open the first site as Google to check whether internet connectivity is there or not. Sometimes we open some common sites with Google too, without taking the pain of typing the name of the website. So, it has a  significant role in our online presence.  So it would be great if we utilize it in a manner and use all the intelligence that Google has put in the search engine.

Newspapers Archive :- – you can read newspapers as old as 1947, you will get many such links after reading the whole content.

Let us start with asking some question, which anyone should be able to answer having an experience on using Google almost equal to the experience of using internet

     1)      You can pay to Google for bring your website in the first 10 results ?
a)      Yes    b) No
     2)      “who” and “WHO” will return different search results ?
a)      Yes     b) No
     3)      “Rahul Gandhi” and “Gandhi Rahul ” will return same search results ?
a)      Yes     b) No
     4)      It’s not possible to search only pdf document uploaded on on DD-MM-YYYY date on Google?
a)      Yes     b) No
     5)      If you want to search black banana what you will type
a)      “Black banana” b) banana and apply filters
             Check out all the “filters” which are present under “Search Tools”

 If any of your answers to the above question is yes, you should read further to get something interesting. Even if you have answered ‘No’  , it’s recommended to check the details

Here is the certification of the course from Google which will be described shortly.


Though Google is not issuing this certificate now, but not to worry the things you will learn here is more than the certificate
For using any system in an intelligent manner,  basic pre requisite is we should know the system, and this content wills definitely going to help you as it’s from none other than Google.

         Check out this option which is present on the right hand side of your search results


Google has started a free  program known as power searching with Google which was conducted by a researcher at Google. Though it is  by a researcher by it’s the simplest course that you will even attend. It hardly takes 3-4 minutes of yours for a seeing a video which has lot of learning


What you have to do ?
Step1) Goto the this link – Power Searching with Google

Step 2) Click on  “Power Searching


There is another course which is “advanced level” which you may do later after completing this one.
Step 3) There are 6 free classes each having duration 3-4 minutes of 5 videos which you will enjoy. There is some activity which you can complete in seconds and try some great things
After doing this small exercise , I thought of sharing it at my organization. Everybody liked it and appreciated the work , some people started calling me Google. J You may use this ppt also for sharing with everyone.

                                   How to use Google effectively from Gaurav Khurana
This has helped me a lot in improving search capabilities at Google.
Happy Sharing. ‘+1’ , ‘Like us’ to share with everyone.

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