I would like to share my experience with the recently given interview for
Saxo Group India Private Limited also known as Saxo Bank. Saxo bank which is based at 5th, 6th Floor, MLCP Tower 10, Candor TechSpace, Sector 21, Gurugram, Haryana 122002.
Previously i have shared my interview experience for paytm (click on link to read interview questions for paytm), so you can check that as well
There were total 3 rounds. First was telephonic(mix of testing, SQL questions). Second was in person. Third was managerial round. There was an online test sent after the 3 rounds were cleared.

Round 1
Telephonic – Saxo Bank
- How do you provide estimate for something in testing ? Share the methodology you follow for providing estimates?
- What are the various roles in Agile ?
- What are the different kind of meetings in Agile ?
- There is a company logo and upload button and disclaimer on it. Logo is not there what’s the Severity / Priority of the bug ?
- If disclaimer is not there whats the Severity / priority of the bug ?
- In case upload button is not working so whats the severity/priority of the bug?
- You created a bug and developer do not agree what you do ?
Technical (Round 2) – Saxo Bank
- Where to put inner join in a query after which keyword ?
- Write a query to find the employee who has got the maximum hike
empid | sal1 | sal2 |
1 | 100 | 200 |
2 | 200 | 250 |
3 | 300 | 340 |
- Write a query to find the maximum salary hike department wise
empid | sal1 | sal2 | dept |
1 | 100 | 200 | D1 |
2 | 200 | 250 | D1 |
3 | 300 | 350 | D2 |
4 | 400 | 460 | D2 |
- When do order by get executed in a query ?
- Why do you want to change your domain ?
- How do you mitigate the risk that comes in 2 weeks sprint ?
- In second week of sprint you realize that you can’t delivered a user story as developers have delayed what you do ?
- Write a SQL query to take out the second highest salary from a table department wise
empid | Salary | deptno |
1 | 100 | 10 |
2 | 200 | 10 |
3 | 300 | 20 |
4 | 400 | 20 |
5 | 500 | 30 |
- What are the main things to test in User Interface Testing ?
- What are the two areas where people ask you need improvement?
- Why you want to change the company ?
- Write test cases for testing the Google Search page ?
Manager Round – Final Round
- There are 8 people in this room. If every person handshake with every other how many handshakes happened in the room ?
- Why do you need this much salary ?
- How you have come up to this number for your salary ?
- Is this much money enough for you ?
- Give me 3 reasons why I should hire you, when you have given the wrong answer to my first question ?
- If we hire you will you appear for any other company ?
- Since you said that you will still be looking for other opportunity after getting offer from us, we can deny you offer, Whats your say ?
You can also check out testing interview questions related to makemytrip (click to see more interview questions)
Some other generic questions were also asked
- Where do you live ?
- How do you plan to commute ?
- Who all are there in your family ?
- Are you married ?
After the above 3 rounds, there was an online test sent on the email id from Saxo bank. There were 2 tests inside it.
One was a generic one where there will be 4 options and you have to select your response out of the 4 options. It was like to know how you react in certain situations. No time limit for this test.
Second one was more of an aptitude test. Time limit was 30 minutes and around 30 questions. Questions were like 6 figures drawn you have to find the odd one out. There are 4 workers doing a job, if 2 will do how much time will it take. Some questions like this were not having options. 2 trains are moving in opposite direction, when they will cross.
There were no options on the questions, you have to calculate and fill the text box. You cannot even go back on the previous questions once you answered.
You can have a look at the interview questions asked for Bona Vita Technologies
I was able to clear all and got the offer letter. HR and other people were nice at Saxo Bank
Hope you like the post about Saxo bank and it helped you in knowing some questions around software testing interviews.
Do leave a comment below, it feels nice and don’t forget to subscribe.
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How do you tackle all those Manager Round Questions, could you please guide how to give answer to these question.
Hey Himanshu
Thanks for putting your question.
Mostly manager rounds are non-technical, some manager do ask technical question as well.
Never ever loose hope. for example :- you are asked a puzzle, ad you know you don’t know the answer,, show that you are trying,,
Keep on preparing for generic questions like , how will you handle a conflict with senior and what if now its junior ?
What are short/long term goals ?
What if you have to extend ?
So once you start asking these questions to yourself, you will be able to find the best answers to these.
Be confident and document some of your experiences in evernote/onenote like apps so whenever you go to interview you can remember them and use them.
Hope you have subscribed to youtube channel as well apart from email subscription to keep updated.
What’s the youtube channel name gaurav, i am eager to know how to tackle those questions related to salary.