I have read a book called #21Days21Tips which has lessons learned / Testing tips from Testers.
I have extracted the tips and prepared a mind map . Several topics are segregated to keep things together. This was one of the suggestion in TTC Group.
This can help anyone associated with Testing. Watch this video to understand better bit.ly/testing_tips
Subscribe to not miss series of videos coming up. There would be 410+ tips on diverse topics be it automation, bugs, testing skills and much more
How has it started?
There was a #21Days21Tips started by The Test Chat Community on LinkedIn. Various testers have shared their tips and lessons learned using the hashtag.
Where are the Testing tips from testers came from?
The Tips are from the book #21Days21Tips. You can search this hashtag on LinkedIn to read all the original Tips
Where is the link to download the book?
Here is the Google Drive link for the book #21Days21Tips
Who has given tips in this book?
There are testers from 1 to 35 years of experience who have contributed to this book
Testing Tips from Testers
Who has compiled it?
There are 4 Testers who have compiled this along with the enablers of the TTC – The Test Chat Community. Check their names in the book.
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Hello! My name is Gaurav Khurana. I have 12+ years of experience as a Software Tester. Won the Tester Of the Year Award 2022. Currently working for Microsoft. Worked in 2 MNCs. A youtuber and blogger and worked on *nix and windows based apps for telecom & insurance domain. Used Selenium, Serenity-bdd, RestAssured, AzureDevOps, Karate, SoapUI, Perl, Shell scripting, Postman, TestProject for automation,etc along with excel. Udzial is a polish word which means share. I believe in #SharingIsCaring.
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