Reading Time: 3 minutes I would like to share my experience with the recently given interview for Saxo Group India Private Limited also known as Saxo Bank. Saxo bank
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Reading Time: 2 minutes An app which can do multiple task and in the most simplest way 1) Take Multiple Screenshot 2) Copy text from image 3) Navigate to

Reading Time: < 1 minute Do your SMS App has these features ? Is it best Android App for SMS ? Nothing is best though. 1) Categorization of SMS (Personal,
Reading Time: < 1 minute Earn with Google Opinion Rewards Its very simple to earn with Google. You just need to install an app which is made by Google from

Reading Time: 2 minutes UPI – Unified Payment Interface Concept – What is UPI ? Like you have an ATM card and pin and you can take out money

Reading Time: 5 minutes This is my personal interview experience at Paytm for the profile of Test engineer. The post contains paytm interview questions. Role :- It was for

Reading Time: 3 minutes Whatsapp is the most popular chatting app which is being used widely. Recently they have launched the web version by which user will be able

Reading Time: < 1 minute Hi Hello world !!! Welcome to Udzial This blog is created to share some tips and tricks which are being implemented before sharing with you.

Reading Time: 2 minutes Privacy Udzial respects your privacy.Any personal information you provide to us including and similar to your name, address, telephone number and e-mail address will